A Forlorn, Dilapidated Frog Hat


Minecraft Guy12 was panting heavily. He had managed to get himself lost in a cave system yet again, and he was down to his last torch. He scratched his left ear with the edge of his blocky hand and tried to see the surrounding caverns with what little light there was. He made out lots of stone, a few veins of iron (he had broken his pick trying to mine gold earlier, so he just ignored them), and a clod of dirt. His best hope was to dig through the dirt, maybe get to the surface eventually by propelling himself with the excess stone he mined. He went up to the soil patch, and started to tear at it with his fingers. After peeling away the first layer, he noticed something. Behind that dirt, there was a small opening, leading to what seemed to be a dungeon. Just when Minecraft Guy12 was about to run away, he noticed that there was no mob spawner inside.

"Odd..." He thought to himself. Figuring that he might as well loot what's inside of it, Minecraft Guy12 went through and placed his last torch on a nearby wall. Upon closer inspection, the flooring was actually made of wooden planks, and there was what seemed to be the remains of a cloth bed, a workbench, and a small chest. Looting time.

Minecraft Guy12 heaved the chest open, which required extensive force before it gave in, likely from not being used in a very long time. When he peered inside the chest, there were a few typical objects, some flint and tinder, a saddle, but a couple of items caught his attention. First, there was a strange hat of a design he had never seen before. Though it was aged and somewhat worn out, it still looked much...Newer then anything he had ever gazed on. It was made of a strange material that felt like spun wool cloth, but was much finer, and wove together tightly to make a seamless, sleek form. The hat itself was with no better way to describe it, rounded at the top, a texture that Minecraft Guy12 couldn't even comprehend until this very moment. Its shape seemed to resemble some sort of animal, with huge, bulging white and black eyes and green skin. This bizarre artifact nearly caused him to forget the second item of interest in the chest, a book. The book was rounded around the edges, the same way the hat was, and it was colored a bright, though slightly faded pink. Minecraft Guy12 decided to peer inside the book a bit to see what it before he went back up out of this cave. He blocked off the passage to the room with dirt, sat on the bed, and opened it up.

Rana's Diary

Day 1

Dear Diary,

Rana regained consciousness after what seemed to be forever. Rana looked around to see where Rana was, and Rana found herself in a bright, peaceful meadow. Rana was not sure how she got there, or even what happened before this. In fact, Rana can't seem to remember a thing! Gasp! Rana started to panic, running around the area like some sort of scared animal before Rana managed to get a hold of herself.

Rana searched the area to see if there's anything that might be useful or help her remember something, and after a bit of looking around, Rana spots a pond. When Rana goes up to it, she manages to see her reflection in the water, and noticed that she had cute pigtails, deep blue eyes, rosy cheeks, and was wearing a stylish frog outfit! 
Rana seemed to look out of place compared to everything else, where the world around her was all square and edgy, but Rana didn't mind much. Rana looked at her reflection for some more, when she remembered her name is Rana!

Rana will make sure that she doesn't forget her name by writing it lots and lots in this diary! Rana thinks this might get annoying to someone who might read it, but what kind of weirdo would peek in someone's diary anyways! Eeek! 

Anyhow, Rana was lost and had nowhere to go, so Rana decided to go exploring. As Rana looked around her, she saw a beautiful landscape. There were floating floating blocks of grass and stone, some of them coming together to make floating islands! The trees were small and angular in shape, barely like any tree like Rana has ever seen, but they still made pretty forests. There were ponds and lakes here and there, some of them with gravel at the bottom. After what seemed like a few hours of wandering, Rana figured that she should find somewhere to rest awhile before she tries to explore more. Luckily, there was a tall, dark cliff nearby that could shelter Rana from the sun's heat. It's a bit scary, but Rana will only stay here for a little bit...


The entire tone of the diary made Minecraft Guy12's head spin. It appears that whoever wrote this diary was either very young, very stupid, or just plain annoying. Perhaps all the above. Minecraft Guy12 decided that he'd read it for just a little longer, as (even barely) readable books were a rarity in this strange, lonely world.


After resting for a few minutes on the bed (which, despite being mostly ravaged, was still quite comfy), Minecraft Guy12 decided that he'd read "Rana's" diary again. "By the time I'm done with this, all those trees I chopped down at the surface would have regrown..."

Day 2

(Teehee, Rana decided that she'd start to number the amount of days she's spent on this world, though Rana isn't quite sure how much time actually passed, since it always seems to be daytime! Rana will make sure that she puts "Day 1" on the entry before this one, so as to not get confused!)

Dear Diary,

After resting for what seemed like forever, or at least, what Rana thought was resting, Rana just sort of blacked out without actually falling asleep, Rana woke up to something scary! Under the ledge she was resting in, a monster sneaked up on her! It was big and tall and blocky like everything else (except Rana), and stood on four legs! Just when Rana was about to scream, she noticed that the monster wasn't attacking her! In fact, it was just gazing at her curiously, with a sad expression on it's hollow face. It looked lonely, so Rana went up to it and tried talking to it. The creature nodded, as if it understood what Rana said, but it did not speak...Or maybe it did, but Rana couldn't understand what it was saying. Anyways, now Rana has a new friend! Sure, he's a little spooky, but any company is better then being lonely! I think I'll call him Joh-Joh.

Joh-Joh and Rana explored some more, and together we managed to climb a mountain! Joh-Joh had a difficult time hopping up at first, but later he managed just fine. On the way up, we spotted a bunch of wooly sheep, which grazed on the grass lazily, without a care in the world. They seemed to be slightly afraid of Joh-Joh, but when they saw that he meant no harm, they were quite playful towards him. When Joh-Joh and Rana finally made it up to the top of the mountain, we were sure that we just accomplished something big!

The view was pretty from up high, and we could see the land extend for miles! Joh-Joh seemed as surprised as Rana was from looking up the mountain. We peered right below our feet, and the height scared Rana a little. But Joh-Joh was there to reassure Rana! After climbing down the mountain again, which Joh-Joh was much faster at doing, we decided that we'd spend the rest of the day resting under the shade of a tall tree. Before the day ended (Rana thinks), Rana saw Joh-Joh's frown even up a little, almost smiling, but only for a split second. Joh-Joh must be happy that he isn't lonely anymore! It's fun to go adventuring with a friend... 

Day 3

Dear Diary,

Rana and Joh-Joh did lots today! Joh-joh showed Rana his friends, which were all just like him, green, tall, and four-legged. They reacted to Rana the same way he did when we first met, with curiosity spread all over their faces! After he was done introducing Rana to everyone, they brought her into their home! It was a dark, cold cave that was hard to see inside, and it was also very scary, but Rana supposed it's safe, seeing that it's their home. Rana figured out what to call them, Joh-Joh and all his friends. They like to be sneaky, and they don't make any sounds at all, so Rana will call them all...Creepers! Rana doesn't mean their creepy or anything, but they like to creep around, like a spider. That's a scary thought!

When Joh-Joh was finished talking with his buddies, we went back into the wild to explore! Joh-Joh nudged Rana a bit, and Rana thinks he told her to follow him somewhere! We went past forests that were much more vibrant the the ones we've been through earlier! The trees were huge, reaching the tops of large hills, and there were pretty roses and dandelions! Pigs were wallowing around a small dirt patch, and they reacted to Joh-Joh quite playfully. Rana wonders if Joh-Joh had past experience with pigs before, since it looked like he knew them pretty well! After playing with the pigs for a while, Joh-Joh led Rana up a steep hill. It took a while to get up it (not as long as the mountain did, though), but when we reached the top, Rana saw what Joh-Joh was leading her to! A massive waterfall was roaring, crashing down into a pond at the bottom of the hill! Rana was breath-taken by it, but Joh-Joh walked right into it! Before he went through, Joh-Joh made a gesture towards Rana, urging her to go with him! At first, Rana was scared, as she couldn't swim very well, but Rana decided that she'd trust her new friend and went in with him! We entered a huge, dark cave.

It was very scary inside, and Rana could have sworn that she heard an echo from a monster! She made sure to keep Joh-Joh in close sight, because he seemed like to know where he was going. After a few minutes of wandering, Joh-Joh found something! He looked at a big, brown box lying on the ground. He stared at Rana for a few moments, the gazed back at the box. Rana wasn't sure, but she thought that Joh-Joh wanted Rana to open the box for him, because Rana had hands, and Joh-Joh didn't. When Rana opened the box up...

Minecraft Guy12 rubbed his eyes for a moment. Gee, all this reading was making his eyes sore! Perhaps, if he just rested them for a few moments...Yeah, just a few...

The only thing the box contained was a bunch of dark, sharp rocks. The rocks had these small pieces of metal next to them for some reason. Rana took a rock and some metal and tried fiddling with them. After moving them around a bit, trying to get them to do something, Rana accidentally dropped them onto the ground! The metal hit the rock hard, and a small spark came out! Joh-Joh was shocked, and Rana was shocked too! When Rana picked the two items up, she tried scrapping the metal on the rock, and sure enough, sparks came out! The sparks hit the ground, and started a small fire! Rana and Joh-Joh quickly backed away from it, and after a few moments, the fire went out. This tool might be useful in the future, but Rana will make sure that she doesn't accidentally use it when it's not needed! After carefully tucking the metal and rock away in separate pockets, Rana stared at Joh-Joh to see if he knew what to do next. Joh-Joh seemed to want to go farther in the cave. 

All the darkness made it hard to see, and Rana bumped into Joh-Joh a couple of times, once nearly tripping over his feet! Joh-Joh didn't seem to mind the darkness, and besides occasionally bumping his head on a few of the lower parts of the cave, he got through with no problems at all! When we reached a really deep part of the cave, Rana noticed something different. Though it was dark and hard to see, Rana could have sworn she made out cobblestone walls and wooden supports! After going a bit deeper, Rana also spotted torches! There was finally a source of light for Rana to see, and it was obvious that whatever was here before must have been really smart with tools! Maybe, maybe it might have even been a person who made all those structures! Rana wonders.